Friday, April 11, 2008

Bowles and Rebisz Visit

Dad and Rory fishing on the Ocean... Check out Dad's catch- beautiful blue striations on his head
Having some fun in the sun!

Celebrating an early birthday for KC and Malachy


Rebz said...

Looks like you guys were busy. Nice weather!!! 35 degrees and rain here today. Miss you guys. Keep the pictures coming, we all enjoy them. Lots of people are looking at the blog, just not posting due to time/computer limitations, etc.

Reaskas said...

Thanks for keeping us "posted" on all the activities in Florida, Chris. Ha ha! We had a really nice weekend here, too, and it sounds like we're going to be getting up into the 70s later this week. Glad mom and dad are home safe and sound. We miss you guys. Love the glasses, Rory! The Reaskas